Preserving Oral History

The oral tradition of telling family stories was crushed in the 20th Century by the rise of all other forms of entertainment. Storytelling was much more common when we didn't have the movies, reality TV and the radio. So instead of seeking a conversation with our family members, we've got plenty of things to distract us. We read our children a storybook instead of telling them one of our own. Football games or other TV shows could be monopolizing your family gatherings--gatherings, by the way, that are more and more rushed due to families living farther and farther apart.
When family stories are lost, what is really lost are stories that could be communicating life lessons to our children and teaching the next generations right from wrong. Without these, look at what our kids are missing. Family stories can teach the importance of education, the need for courage in life, the trials that must be overcome sometimes, and the need for hard work to accomplish goals. Real stories, from your life, could have a huge impact on the lives of their children and grandchildren; and many future generations.

To capture memories and record and preserve your family's oral history, visit today.
